Arushi Mittal

I'm a


I am an ambitious student eager for the next big challenge and opportunity to leverage and improve technical skills. I am always on the lookout for interesting projects and work opportunities that allow me to explore diverse, dynamic domains and network with fascinating individuals who share a passion for tech. I am authorized to work in both the United States, and India, and hope to find enthralling opportunities in computer science, FinTech, and data science domains. I am open to relocation and remote work across diverse geographies and timezones.

Programmer & Developer

B.Tech CSE IIIT Hyderabad, India (2019 - 2023)

  • Email:
  • City: Chennai, TN, India
  • Degree: B.Tech CSE
  • Age: 20

I was born in New York City, NY, USA, and have since lived in Ottawa, Canada and Mumbai, Chennai, and Hyderabad, India. My diverse childhood led to a passion for traveling and exploring different cultures and environments. I also enjoy surfing, reading, baking, watching cricket and playing badminton. I'm always up for road trips, long walks, a cup of coffee and scintillating conversations.



Full Stack Development Intern

June 2021 - August 2021, Boulder, CO, USA

  • Designed and built search engine optimization applications for Google and YouTube searches using Python3, Dash, Plotly, React.js and various APIs to enable users to assess regional, historical, forecasted and all-time trends, related searches, news articles, and competitor data for various queries in real-time.
  • Designed and optimized an analytical application to analyze YouTube trends, video statistics, and popularity on various counts such as regional, historical and trending criteria.

Web Development Intern

Jan 2021 - April 2021

AyushmanBhava, Hyderabad, India

  • Worked on Project NeoEM, a road safety initiative to detect traffic violations in real-time. Developed an application in both MERN and Django frameworks for law enforcement to verify violations, with functionality to register, login, sort, search and filter.
  • Assisted with data organization, formatting and designing of a Machine Learning model for license plate recognition.

Web Development Intern

May 2020 - Dec 2020

Software Engineering Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad, India

  • Designed a customizable browser plug-in to evaluate credibility of a webpage using various surface, content and off-page features. Devised a system to display a credibility score and stored the information in a database for future analysis.
  • Designed web crawlers and web scrapers.


BTech in Computer Science Engineering

2019 - 2023

International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad

High School Diploma

2015 - 2019

Gateway The Complete School, Chennai


Telangana Chapter Lead

The Girl Code

  • Successfully managing and leading all chapter operations for a team of 5 people.
  • Organizing and conducting 4+ workshops for 100+ girls in 3 cities.
  • Designing interactive curricula for web development and Python workshops.

Varsity Debate Team

Debate Society, IIIT Hyderabad

Marketing Team

Ping!, IIIT Hyderabad

Corporate Team

Ping!, IIIT Hyderabad


C/C++, Python
Data Structures and Algorithms
Web (MERN Stack, HTML, CSS, JS, React, Flask)
IoT (Arduino, NodeMCU)


In my free time, I enjoy working on interesting projects that can help in some way, or further my understanding of various tech stacks and domains.

Linux C-Shell

Built a Linux Shell using C. Implemented various commands such as cd, ls, fg, bg, kjob, ps with respective flags, foreground and background processes, and signal handling. Learnt about system calls, and functioning of operating systems

Terminal Brickbreaker Game

Built a terminal version of the brickbreaker game allowing user to control a paddle and hit bricks to gain points without exhausting all their lives. Added powerups to enhance gameplay.

Database with CLI

Designed and populated a MySQL database, and built a Command Line Interface with PyMySQL to perform various queries such as projection, selection, aggregation, search, and modification, along with validation and verification of inputs.

Socket Programming

Built a file transfer network where a client requests large files (larger than RAM) from the server and downloads them into the client directory using sockets. Includes validation and verification of the file types and their existence.

IoT Experiments

Assembled circuits and wrote code in C++ for various IoT experiments involving servo motors, LEDs, and sensors. Used NodeMCU and Arduino Uno R3 boards to perform various network applications.

River Crossing Game

Built a game with fixed and moving obstacles with increasing levels of difficulty. Allows multiple users to compete using separate arrow keys. Allots scores according to skill and speed.


Feel free to reach out via email, LinkedIn, or schedule a call on my calendar. I look forward to hearing from you!


Chennai, TN, India

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